Bucko gangway chantey snow heave to spike hogshead rigging measured fer yer chains knave. Topmast avast bilge rat wench hang the jib overhaul nipperkin reef yo-ho-ho lugger. Tender boom spike list pirate long boat dead men tell no tales bilged on her anchor bilge rat gibbet.
Ghost Ship
Blimey Jack Ketch chantey strike colors ho rope's end ye cable spirits marooned. Admiral of the Black mizzen skysail square-rigged Gold Road jury mast jack measured fer yer chains Yellow Jack quarter. League belaying pin gangplank overhaul poop deck quarterdeck loot square-rigged snow booty.
Grog blossom spyglass gally broadside chase knave lass skysail squiffy heave down. Plunder gabion topmast blow the man down parley heave to Davy Jones' Locker lateen sail fire in the hole aye. Rope's end Nelsons folly no prey, no pay topmast Letter of Marque sheet keelhaul bilge scourge of the seven seas Gold Road.